CT free clinics meeting

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About two weeks ago, a group of clinics that offer free care to anyone who needs it met to discuss common challenges and share resources. I was amazed and deeply grateful that we have so many generous spirits in our state. Representatives from First Hispanic Baptist Church (New London), Samaritan Health Center (Danbury), Kevin’s Community Center (Newtown), the Community Health Van (New Haven), UCONN Health Center/Bergdorf Community Health Center (Hartford/CT River Valley), and AmeriCares Free Clinics (Norwalk, Danbury, Bridgeport) attended. Haven Free Clinic (New Haven), Hanahoe Children’s Clinic (Danbury), Malta House of Caring (Hartford), Christian Medical Fellowship Health (Farmington), and the New London Community Meal Center (New London) couldn’t make it to this meeting. The CT Health Policy Project talked about CT’s uninsured and the market forces that created the problem. Mark Thompson from the Fairfield Medical Society shared that they were successful in gaining passage of a bill reducing licensing fees for physicians who volunteer at least 100 hours/year providing free care. They discussed ways to work together including developing standards of care, quality improvement, getting medications, malpractice liability coverage, and possible advocacy at the Capitol next year. They learned from each other’s experiences, shared tips and ideas, and found alot of common ground. I can’t wait for the next meeting.
Ellen Andrews