DSS asks CMS for a HUSKY delay

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The administration has asked the federal government for a four month delay for moving HUSKY families into the new HMOs. DSS and the two new HMOs, AmeriChoice (United Health Care) and Aetna Better Health, have been criticized for having inadequate provider networks and for not devoting enough time to building those networks. The third HMO participating in HUSKY, Community Health Network, is based on CT’s community health centers and has served HUSKY clients for over a decade. DSS still expects to be able to meet the deadline of defaulting families into the HMOs on December 1st, but asked for the extension to March 31st just in case. DSS is still fully committed to moving all families into managed care but has promised not to force anyone into an inadequate network. Previously, Anthem, who left the program last fall, agreed to continue serving HUSKY families indefinitely with their larger provider network. HUSKY covers approximately 340,000 CT residents, including one out of five children and one in four births in the state.
Ellen Andrews