ACA caps on consumer spending would have helped 139,100 CT consumers this year

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A report released today by Families USA finds that caps on what consumers have to pay for health care in the Affordable Care Act, if they were in effect this year, would have helped 139,100 Connecticut residents and saved families almost $250 million. Adjusted to today’s dollars, the caps limit consumers’ health costs over $5,950 for individuals and $11,900 for families. The large majority of families who reach these caps include workers, most employed full time. Over one third work in small businesses with fewer than 25 workers. Because the caps are not yet in place, this year families of small business workers in our state will spend over $100 million more than the caps. These caps are critical to protecting families struggling in this economy from catastrophic medical bills, bankruptcy, foreclosure and credit card debt – one of many essential protections in the Affordable Care Act for Connecticut working families.
Ellen Andrews