Connecticut patient-centered medical home first adopters

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Transforming a busy medical practice into a patient-centered medical home (PCMH) can be daunting but the benefits are worth it, according to a report by CTHPP intern Kim Kushner. With 113 NCQA recognized patient centered medical homes, CT is far behind surrounding states. Kim interviewed a solo practitioner, a safety net community health center and a large practice in CT that had achieved PCMH recognition to identify challenges, solutions and solicit their guidance for other practices considering recognition. She found very similar challenges and benefits among the three practices, some unique solutions, and reassurance for providers considering becoming a PCMH. Dr. Edward Rippel’s Hamden practice recouped the costs of transforming his solo practice within two years through streamlined workflows, increased patient volume, and incentive programs. Seventy percent of his patients with diabetes now have hemoglobin A1c levels at treatment goal, up from 50% before PCMH, and all his patients with cardiovascular disease are now consistently taking appropriate stroke prevention medication.