Upcoming health policy meetings

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CT’s health policy community is making up for the holiday lull in meetings. Next week’s meetings include:

Patrick Hollander, former CFO of the MA Health Connector will speak at the Speaker’s Working Group on Small Business Health Care Monday Jan. 9th at 3pm in Room 1D of the LOB.

Also Monday, the Complex Care Model Design Group of the CT MMAPOC (formerly the Medicaid Managed Care Council) will meet to discuss payment reform models for state residents eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid at 1pm in Room 1E of the LOB.

Tuesday the SustiNet/Governor’s Health Reform Cabinet will meet from 9 to 11am also in Room 1D of the LOB. The agenda is here.

Wednesday the CT MMAPO Council’s Care Management (formerly PCCM) committee will meet from 10am to noon, thankfully in Room 2A of the LOB.

Later that day, at 12:30, the Privacy Committee of the HITE-CT Board will hold its first meeting to discuss protecting consumer privacy in electronic health record exchange and building a sustainable exchange for CT. Room TBD.

We get a day off Thursday, thankfully.

On Friday, the full CT MMAPO Council will meet from 9:30 to noon in Room 1E of the LOB.