Archive for September 2013
Public hearing on ER use and Medicaid
The Legislative Program Review and Investigations Committee will be holding a public hearing for their study of whether Medicaid consumers are over-using emergency dept. visits inappropriately and, if true, the impact on the state budget. If true, they will search for reasons including who is inappropriately using the ER, for what problems, and make…
Read MoreNew policy brief on “No wrong door” enrollment
A new brief by the CT Health Foundation describes “No Wrong Door” (NWD), the Affordable Care Act’s seamless plan for consumers to enroll in health coverage. NWD allows consumers seeking coverage to enter through an array of state agencies, be seamlessly routed to a common portal that will assess eligibility and needs, and connect…
Read MoreHelp design Connecticut’s health improvement plan
A broad coalition of stakeholders led by DPH is developing a plan for A Healthier CT by 2020 and we need your input. DPH is holding forums this fall in each CT county to get your input into the plan. Tolland County: Sept. 10, Rockville High School Auditorium, 70 Loveland Mill Rd., Vernon Windham…
Read MoreNew action guide on Community Health Workers
ICER has published an action guide, Community Health Workers: Applying the Evidence to Policy and Practice, to effectively incorporating Community Health Workers into the health system for the CHW workforce, insurers, and providers and organizations that employ CHWs. The guide, based on CPAC’s CHW effectiveness report, gives evidence-based action steps tailored to the needs of…
Read MoreSeptember CT Health Policy Webquiz: CT health risks
Test your knowledge of the rates of health risks among CT adults. Take the September CT Health Policy Webquiz.
Read MoreCT Mirror reports on SIM proposal – administration agenda and advocate concerns
An article yesterday in the CT Mirror describes the administration’s plans to apply for millions in federal dollars to radically redesign CT’s health care system – not just Medicaid and the state employee plan, but for all state residents. The article points out that the administration is working with providers and insurers to design…
Read MoreCT Health Reform Progress Meter moves up to 23.7%
CT policymakers have completed 23.7% of the tasks necessary for health reform, making up for last month’s drop. Most tasks on the Progress Meter list are due on Jan.1st of next year. Medicaid accounted for the forward progress in September’s Health Reform Dashboard. As last month, deep concerns about payment reform in the SIM…
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