Archive for July 2013
Cabinet meeting centers on SIM project
An update on the SIM project was the main agenda item at yesterday’s Health Care Cabinet meeting. At last month’s meeting, members were asked to collect feedback on SIM proposals for payment and delivery reform to cover 80% of CT residents. The SIM committee is planning to set payment and delivery models for the…
Read MoreYouth Health Ambassadors program applications open
The summer Youth Health Ambassadors program is now taking applications. The five week training program for Hartford youth ages 16 to 18 is designed to increase understanding of health disparities, health literary, and civic engagement, and to build development and leadership skills through video blogging, social media, volunteer service and community development. The Ambassadors program…
Read MoreACA employer mandate delayed; tiny number of CT employers affected
Only 3% of CT employers with over 50 workers don’t offer health benefits; nationally 4.3% don’t. Despite this on Tuesday, out of concern for the economy and paperwork burdens, the IRS announced they will delay for a year implementation of the health reform requirement that employers with over 50 workers offer health coverage to…
Read MoreJuly CT Health Policy Webquiz: CT’s hospital executive pay
Test your knowledge of hospital pay for executives in Connecticut. Take the July CT Health Policy Webquiz
Read MoreCT health reform progress first time drop to 21.8%
For the first time, Connecticut moved backward in progress toward health reform from 22.5% of tasks completed last month to 21.8% this month in the CT Health Reform Dashboard. Most reform tasks are due on Jan.1st of next year. Medicaid showed positive movement, as it has over the last year. However the state moved…
Read MoreCEPAC meeting focused on effectiveness of Community Health Workers
Friday’s CEPACmeeting centered on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of community health workers. The meeting was very well-attended with dozens of stakeholders represented both in the audience, the policymaker panel and in public comment. Community health workers (CHWs) are trusted members of a community who assist patients in accessing appropriate care and in keeping themselves…
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