Upcoming health policy meetings

CT’s health policy community is making up for the holiday lull in meetings. Next week’s meetings include: Patrick Hollander, former CFO of the MA Health Connector will speak at the Speaker’s Working Group on Small Business Health Care Monday Jan. 9th at 3pm in Room 1D of the LOB. Also Monday, the Complex Care Model…

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Sen. Blumenthal’s survey finds hospital drug shortages harming care

Yesterday, Sen. Blumenthal released a survey documenting serious drug shortages at CT hospitals. The number of drug shortages grew by 76% from 2009 to 2010. Some of the drugs in short supply are used for anesthesia, pain management, treating cancer, and acute asthma attacks. Shortages have led to drug hoarding and price gouging, according to…

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CT consumers can’t get prices for health care; CT hospital costs for the same treatment vary widely

A pair of articles from CT Health I-Team highlights problems with CT’s health care market. Unlike in other states, CT consumers trying to comparison shop have difficulty finding prices for health care services. Consumers in states, like NH and ME, can go online to get prices by payer for most treatments because those states have…

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