CT residents middle of the pack in well-being

A Gallup poll of Americans finds that CT ranked 22nd among states in well-being in 2009, down from 19th in 2008. The detailed poll includes measures of learning, stress, and happiness. Among CT cities, Norwich is highest in well-being, closely followed by Bridgeport and Hartford: New Haven is very far behind. (It appears our work…

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Quality of care in CT remains high

AHRQ’s new 2010 Health Care Quality and Disparities reports find that our state is among the best in the overall quality of care we receive, however we lag behind the rest of New England in prevention and acute treatment and behind others for chronic disease management and health outcomes. Nationally, urban – rural disparities in…

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Sales call illustrates the benefits of PCCM and a new way of doing business in Medicaid

I had a call yesterday that illustrates the power and potential of CT Medicaid’s new self-insured PCCM model. A representative from a national medical service company wanted to learn more about business opportunities in our state under the new arrangement. They provide medical supplies for people with a common chronic condition and have non-clinical technicians…

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ACA caps on consumer spending would have helped 139,100 CT consumers this year

A report released today by Families USA finds that caps on what consumers have to pay for health care in the Affordable Care Act, if they were in effect this year, would have helped 139,100 Connecticut residents and saved families almost $250 million. Adjusted to today’s dollars, the caps limit consumers’ health costs over $5,950…

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