Archive for July 2009
CSG/ERC regional health updates
The latest health updates from the Eastern Region of the Council of State Governments is online.
Read MoreGovernor vetoes SustiNet and Partnership bills
Late today Governor Rell vetoed both the SustiNet bill, which would have created a board to develop a plan to cover CT’s uninsured , and the Health Care Partnership bill, which would have self-insured the state employee plan and allowed municipalities, small businesses and non-profits the option to buy into the plan. The Governor estimates…
Read MoreeHealth privacy drafts ready, share your thoughts
Monday, July 20th at 10am in Room 1C of the Legislative Office Building eHealthConnecticut, the CT Health Policy Project and AARP-CT will hold a forum to collect consumer feedback on draft privacy policies and a universal consent form. eHealthCT is creating a pilot health information exchange for CT Medicaid members to go live this fall,…
Read MoreCT Voices seeking budget analyst
CT Voices for Children is hiring a Senior Policy Fellow for Economic and Fiscal Analyst to work on family economic security and state/federal fiscal analysis. CT Voices is an advocacy organization dedicated to promoting the well-being of all CT’s young people and their families by advocating for strategic public investments and wise public policies.
Read MoreFrom the Consumer Helpline
Unfortunately there are times when there aren’t many options for affordable, comprehensive health care for callers to our Consumer Helpline. One consumer caller, a man in his early 50s is looking into early retirement because of a disability. He is gathering information about his options and his main concern is finding health care for himself…
Read MoreJuly CT Health Policy Webquiz
Test your knowledge of cigarette smoking in CT. Take the July CT Health Policy Webquiz.
Read MoreSustiNet rally at the Capitol Tuesday
The Governor has until Wednesday to sign, veto or let the SustiNet bill pass into law without her action. Organizers have been holding a vigil outside her office every day at 3pm. On Tuesday, a large rally/vigil will be held from 3 to 5pm on the north steps of the Capitol – rain or shine.…
Read MoreStunning photos at the Capitol
The pictures on the walls of the underground walkway between the Capitol and the Legislative Office Building in Hartford are stunning. The pictures of various scenes in Taiwan stopped traffic in the hall this morning. Definitely worth checking out. The Capitol is closed tomorrow and Monday, reopening Tuesday.Ellen Andrews
Read MoreBudget update
I may have spoken too soon earlier today when I said the Governor’s July allotments reflect a maintenance budget. Further drilling down into the allotment amounts announced by the Governor to bridge essential services until there is a budget agreement finds that some large line items are funded significantly below what was spent last July.…
Read MoreJuly budget allotments out
As the Governor and General Assembly have not agreed on a budget, the Governor has released July allotments for state expenditures. It is important to note that while some line items, including important health care services, have been zeroed out, that does not mean they will be cut in the new fiscal year budget. Our…
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