Health First/Primary Care Authority updates

Today’s joint meeting of the two Authorities was interesting. Mitch Katz, MD, MPH, San Francisco’s health director presented on their Healthy San Francisco program. The city isn’t waiting for the state or the fed.s to do something — they created their own program to cover everyone. The crux of the model is a medical home…

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HUSKY, Charter Oak and other session updates

The General Assembly acted on very few health proposals this year. Some things that did pass: HB 5536 — Rep. Donovan’s bill to allow municipalities and small business to buy directly into the state employee plan pool – the Courant says “Rell’s signature is iffy”. Even if she does approve it, the plan may not…

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Book Club: Better

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about the Annual Meeting of the Donoughue Foundation. The keynote speaker at the event was Atul Gawande, a general surgeon, writer for the New Yorker and author of two books, Complications and Better. Gawande spoke about the small things that can be done to make the healthcare system…

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Charter Oak update

Last night, the House passed a stripped down version of the Charter Oak fix bill, 5617, leaving only mental health parity. The House version removed critical provisions including dental and vision care, removing limits on prescriptions, medical equipment and lifetime limits on care, independent grievance and accountability options, sustainability provisions, prohibition against contracting with unlicensed…

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DPH launches on-line health personal health assessment tool

DPH has launched a very useful Protective Health Assessment Tool on their website. The site takes you through a variety of questions about health risks, behaviors, medical history, clinical and lifestyle factors and gives you a list of recommendations and resources to improve your health. The assessment takes about 10 or 15 minutes and is…

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Health First Authority Update

After eight months, the Health First Authority is getting to consider some options to cover CT’s uninsured. Five options to be specific. And while most of the conversation was predictable, it did get interesting near the end. The five options include single payer universal coverage, a bolstered employment based system (employer mandate, state subsidies for…

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May Web Quiz

Test your knowledge of the quality of CT’s health care. Take the May CT Health Policy Project Web Quiz.

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