“Sick Around the World” airs tonight

Tonight’s episode of Frontline, Sick Around the World, compares the universal health care systems of five capitalist countries – Germany, Japan, Taiwan, Switzerland and the UK – looking for ideas that could work in the US. Japanese consumers go to the doctor 3 times as often as we do, get more than twice as many…

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Community Catalyst at the HealthFirst Authority

Friday, Michael Miller of Massachusetts-based Community Catalyst presented to the Cost, Cost Containment & Finance Working Group of the HealthFirst Authority. His presentation focused on “cost containment strategies in other states.” He opened with, “Cost containment is not a useful framework.” He went on to say that if we were spending more than other countries…

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Three Charter Oak/HUSKY bids are in, Congressional investigation of United

Today DSS released the names of the managed care organizations (MCOs) that submitted bids for the HUSKY and Charter Oak plans to begin July 1st. They are Community Health Network, which currently participates in HUSKY, and two new MCOs – Aetna Better Health, a subsidiary of Schaller Anderson and Aetna, and AmeriChoice, a subsidiary of…

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Health care figures prominently in US middle class worries

The Pew Research Center’s annual survey of America’s middle class finds that one in five says that it’s likely their health benefits will be reduced or eliminated in the next year. 12% expect a cut in wages. One in four say that they have not moved forward in the last four years and 31% say…

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The high cost of prescription drugs

In the last month, we’ve fielded a number of calls to the Consumer Helpline (1.888.873.4585) about the high cost of prescriptions. A quick Google search demonstrates why. Prescription drug prices are out of control. An April 3rd USA Today article reported that the Patient Advocate Foundation found that over 30% of people they serve “cited…

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CT Health Notes highlights

Some highlights from the latest CT Health Notes — the CT Health Policy Project’s e-newsletter: • UConn hospital study recommends partnering with area competitors, Hospital needs another $22 million this year • AHRQ annual quality and health disparity reports find mixed results • Consumer directed health plans continue to attract healthier, wealthier members Click here…

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Legislative Health Care Study Group

For the last few months, a small group of Connecticut legislators and other officials has been meeting to explore health care issues in some depth. Legislators choose the issues and ask questions; CT Health Policy Project staff research the topics and find answers. To access the discussion guides for the last two meetings, go to…

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Comptroller announces cost-saving health program for municipalities

Today Comptroller Nancy Wyman is announcing a new venture from her office that could save CT cities and towns tens of millions of dollars on health insurance costs. The Comptroller was joined in the announcement by Bart Russell, head of the CT Council of Small Towns, Sal Luciano, from AFSCME Council 4, and John Yrchik,…

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