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Fact Sheets



Many thanks to Emily Martinez-Clark for translation and so much more.

Sign the Petition

Governor Lamont -- Don’t move Connecticut Medicaid back into the failed  MCO model.

Sign the Petition

Write or Call the Governor

Ask Governor Lamont not to move HUSKY

back to the failed MCO plans.

To email Governor Lamont: go to Email Governor Lamont

To call Governor Lamont’s office: 800-406-1527

To send Governor Lamont a letter:

For the envelope --

His Excellency, The Honorable Ned Lamont
Governor, State of Connecticut
Executive Chambers, The Capitol
Hartford, Connecticut 06106-1591

For the letter -- Dear Governor Lamont: or Dear Sir:

For more information:

Writing to policy makers with sample letters

Calling a policymaker with sample scripts

For more on effective advocacy, go to our Advocacy Toolbox

More Evidence

Get more information on why MCOs aren't good for Connecticut Medicaid.

Learn More

noHuskyMCOs slide presentation

Powerpoint slides describing

  • What happened last time HUSKY had MCOs
  • What the evidence says -- MCOs don't work to control costs or improve care
  • Why most other states use MCOs in their Medicaid plans
  • What we can do