Advocacy Decision Tree: Enforcement

If there is a Connecticut state law that addresses your issue/problem and it isn’t being enforced, there are several advocacy options available.

We assume you are not describing a criminal or emergency issue. If either is the case, contact the appropriate law enforcement or emergency authorities.

Contact the agency that is directly responsible.

Each agency has a Community Relations unit. Many have toll-free numbers to register complaints. Some possibilities:

Department of Consumer Protection Complaints


State Healthcare Advocate

1-866-HMO-4446 (1-866- 466-4446)

State Office of the Child Advocate


State Office of Victim Advocate


State Office of Victim Services


Long Term Care Ombudsman


Department of Children and Families


Department of Social Services, Medicaid and HUSKY complaints


Department of Public Health – provider complaints            Facility complaints


Medicare Home Health Hotline


Dept. of Environmental Protection


Department of Insurance – Consumer Complaints


Contact your state legislators. Yes, they write the laws, but they also want to know if they aren’t being enforced. They can often intervene on your behalf. Go to Contacting Elected Officials


Contact the Attorney General’s Office  (860-808-5318). The Attorney General is charged with representing and advocating the interests of the state and its citizens, ensuring that state government acts within the letter and spirit of the law, that public resources are protected for present and future generations, that the quality of life of all our citizens is preserved and enhanced, and that the rights of our most vulnerable citizens are safeguarded.


Seek legal assistance:

CT Legal Assistance

New Haven Legal Assistance

Greater Hartford Legal Aid 

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