Care Delivery

Corrected: Opt-ing out of PCMH+ isn’t easy, and that’s not evidence that PCMH+ works

By Ellen Andrews | February 15, 2018

Correction – The notice sent to PCMH Plus consumers in December 2016 included the accurate phone number to  call to…

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Webinar on new HIE for Connecticut

By Ellen Andrews | February 13, 2018

For years, Connecticut providers and payers have been begging for a functional Health Information Exchange (HIE). An HIE allows providers…

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Quality challenges remain in CT Medicaid PCMHs

By Ellen Andrews | July 19, 2017

Also at Friday’s meeting, DSS reported on a selection of quality results from 2015, highlighting concerns. The results compared quality…

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Community Care Teams addressing high-cost Medicaid member needs

By Ellen Andrews | October 26, 2015

Friday’s MAPOC Complex Care Committee meeting focused on Community Care Teams (CCTs) that collaborate across social service to help people…

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Advocates’ Medicaid Study Group offers recommendations for Medicaid shared savings reform

By Ellen Andrews | September 23, 2015

Over a dozen Connecticut independent consumer advocates representing diverse populations and issue areas spent the last several months diving deep…

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Advocates’ guide to underservice recommendations

By Ellen Andrews | August 7, 2015

Connecticut’s State Innovation Model (SIM) is seeking to radically transform our state’s $30 billion health system by aligning incentives to…

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Advocates’ guide to underservice recommendations

By Ellen Andrews | August 4, 2015

SIM is seeking to radically transform our state’s $30 billion health system and has chosen a shared savings payment model…

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Webinar online – Caring for high-need patients – Lessons for CT

By Ellen Andrews | June 24, 2015

Evidence is growing that we cannot fix our health care system without addressing the needs of the small number of…

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CSG/ERC Hopkins tour highlights patient safety, care coordination and cancer innovations

By Ellen Andrews | August 6, 2014

Yesterday’s off-site trip to Johns Hopkins from the CSG/ERC annual meeting was impressive. We heard about out of the box…

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