Contrasting gubernatorial candidates on health care

By Ellen Andrews | October 12, 2010

Health policy has emerged as the latest disagreement among CT’s candidates for Governor. Dan Malloy’s and Tom Foley’s positions on…

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HealthJusticeCT launches website

By Ellen Andrews | September 13, 2010

Health Justice CT, a new social networking project to address racial and ethnic health disparities in CT, has launched a…

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Candidates’ health care positions forming

By Ellen Andrews | August 31, 2010

Paul Bass of the New Haven Independent interviewed both candidates for Governor about their plans and a lot of the…

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On the passing of Brandon Levan

By Ellen Andrews | August 30, 2010

We have some very sad news to share. Brandon Levan passed away last week after a three month bout with…

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Updated health policy basics

By Ellen Andrews | August 25, 2010

Just in time for Back to School, the CT Health Policy Project has updated our health policy basics module for…

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Don’t forget to vote, compare candidates on health care

By Ellen Andrews | August 10, 2010

It’d be hard to miss, but today is Primary Day in dozens of races around the state. Today Democrats and…

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Candidate compare for next Tuesday’s primary

By Ellen Andrews | August 3, 2010

Connecticut’s next administration will face significant health care challenges but also benefit from unique and historic opportunities to improve our…

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Reflections – Jaymie Potteiger

By Ellen Andrews | July 26, 2010

While working at the Connecticut Health Policy Project, I have been fortunate to see how difficult it can be to…

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Reflections – Eric Knowles

By Ellen Andrews | July 22, 2010

Since becoming a summer intern at the CT Health Policy Project, I’ve earned a greater appreciation and understanding for the…

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Capacity Building