
CT got fewer vaccines than other states, but did far better at getting people vaccinated

By Ellen Andrews | January 2, 2021

Download the report here Policymakers and experts have expressed disappointment at the slow rollout of the COVID-19 vaccines. While the…

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Top Stories of 2020

By Ellen Andrews | December 30, 2020

A year ago, our predictions for 2020 missed all but the recession. COVID has us giving up on predictions, so…

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To make health premiums affordable, CT must address input costs

By Ellen Andrews | December 23, 2020

Download the report here Health benefits in Connecticut are costly and rising faster than inflation. Last year, total employer-sponsored health…

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CT housing and economic development training institute now accepting applications

By Ellen Andrews | December 21, 2020

Housing and health are intimately linked. Housing that is unstable, unsafe, poor quality, and a financial burden all affects the…

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CTNJ OP-ED | New Health Plan for State Employees Needs Transparency

By Ellen Andrews | December 16, 2020

The State Comptroller’s Office is undertaking payment reform for the very costly state employee health plan without public accountability or…

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Help us build a CT health policy learning hub

By Ellen Andrews | December 10, 2020

Healthcare is critical to Connecticut’s wellbeing but navigating health policy is complicated and confusing. The Connecticut Health Policy Project is…

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CT workers’ health benefits cost more, but growing more slowly and take less of our incomes

By Ellen Andrews | December 9, 2020

Download the report While total premiums, deductibles, and the workers’ share of premiums for Connecticut employee health coverage are higher…

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ICER seeking members for New England evidence review group

By Ellen Andrews | December 2, 2020

The Institute for Economic and Clinical Review (ICER) is seeking nominations for new members to the New England Comparative Effectiveness…

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State seeking public input on 2025 health improvement plan, they are really listening

By Ellen Andrews | November 30, 2020

After months of the Dept. of Public Health has finalized their draft plan to set goals and strategies to improve…

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