
Analysis: CT hospital finances during COVID’s first year

By Ellen Andrews | February 9, 2022

Download the report Download the extracted data In 2020, Connecticut hospitals’ revenues exceeded expenses by 2.61% or $325 million. Hospitals…

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Book Club: The Premonition — A Pandemic Story

By Ellen Andrews | February 8, 2022

Michael Lewis’s latest book, The Premonition – A Pandemic Story, dives deep into an untold story of how COVID crept…

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Auto crash deaths up 17.1% last year, and not because 2020 traffic was down

By Ellen Andrews | February 2, 2022

The latest stats on Connecticut auto crashes finds that in the first nine months of 2021 there were 253 deaths…

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Yale Policy Institute report on CT’s local public health infrastructure and systems

By Ellen Andrews | January 27, 2022

COVID crystalized the importance of a strong local public health system across our state and the nation. In their latest…

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Policy options to control healthcare prices and protect from private equity

By Ellen Andrews | January 26, 2022

Healthcare service prices are the main driver of Connecticut’s rising health insurance premiums. The consolidation of hospitals and providers into…

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Book Club — How Charts Lie: Getting Smarter about Visual Information

By Ellen Andrews | January 24, 2022

Data visualization is trendy for a reason. How Charts Lie by Alberto Cairo describes how well-designed charts and graphs can…

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CTNJ OP-ED | Connecticut’s Healthcare Market Regulation is Broken

By Ellen Andrews | January 17, 2022

Connecticut’s healthcare markets are consolidating at a serious clip and it’s endangering access to care and driving up healthcare prices…

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New Cost Cap industry-driven committee gets going

By Ellen Andrews | January 6, 2022

Members of the Office of Health Strategy’s (OHS) latest committee to drive down the growth in Connecticut’s healthcare spending moved…

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FAQs on OHS’s Primary Care Roadmap

By Ellen Andrews | January 3, 2022

Download the FAQs here Connecticut’s Office of Health Strategy has developed a Primary Care Roadmap to support primary care in…

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