
Op-Ed: HUSKY coverage for immigrants is the right, and the smart, thing to do

By Ellen Andrews | February 17, 2023

Immigrants, in Connecticut and across the US, are the most likely population to be uninsured. These are our workers, neighbors,…

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Data brokers are offering sensitive mental health info for cheap

By Ellen Andrews | February 14, 2023

As the need for mental health care grows and capacity tightens, patients are turning to telehealth and apps. Hispanics are…

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Op-Ed: Things to like in the Governor’s budget proposal

By Ellen Andrews | February 9, 2023

This is new for me and I may be alone, but I found a lot to like in the Governor’s…

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CT ranks high on dental health, but lots of room for improvement

By Ellen Andrews | February 1, 2023

It all depends on what you measure. Wallet Hub ranked Connecticut the fifth best state for dental health. Metrics include…

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CT has 13th highest cancer rate, but it’s going down

By Ellen Andrews | January 31, 2023

In 2019 Connecticut’s per person rate of new cancers was higher than all but twelve other states, according to a…

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Analysis: Life Saving Innovation at Alarming Prices

By Ellen Andrews | January 25, 2023

We do scientific innovation very well. New therapies — from anesthesia in 1850, antibiotics in 1928, organ transplants in 1960,…

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Barriers to Fair Access Report prompts insurers to improve access to 11 drugs

By Ellen Andrews | January 17, 2023

There’s a lot of very appropriate focus on the unfairness of unwarranted drug prices. But an equally important key to…

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Low or no cost health insurance open enrollment ends soon

By Ellen Andrews | January 10, 2023

Connecticut residents have until next Sunday, January 15th to sign up for health insurance through Access Health CT. About 100,000…

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Screenings catch only 13% of Connecticut cancers

By Ellen Andrews | January 9, 2023

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in Connecticut. While early detection is key to improving survival, only four…

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