Survey of state legislators’ values for health reform finds strong differences by party but some encouraging overlap

By Ellen Andrews | August 23, 2017

Both Democratic and Republican state legislators from across the US agree on the need to control health care costs, according…

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CTNJ: CT health policy has trust issues

By Ellen Andrews | April 17, 2017

An OP-ED today in CT News Junkie describes the sorry level of mistrust in CT health policymaking. “Mistrust is pervasive…

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Mistrust in Connecticut health policymaking – Thoughtleaders, public weigh in on the problem and propose solutions

By Ellen Andrews | April 7, 2017

Connecticut health policymaking has trust issues. This year Connecticut health thoughtleaders rated trust among stakeholders at only 26 out of…

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Updated CT Health System Primer online

By Ellen Andrews | August 5, 2016

Our Basics of CT’s Health System has been updated for 2016. It addresses private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, the uninsured, health…

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New Haven Register Forum: ICER part of solution in addressing drug effectiveness, cost

By Ellen Andrews | June 1, 2016

From yesterday’s New Haven Register: The news is full of recent drug companies’ breathtaking price hikes. A new study by Reuters finds…

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CT Health Reform Dashboard redesign

By Ellen Andrews | January 29, 2016

Two years after the main Affordable Care Act expansions were implemented and almost six years after it became law, we’ve…

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Benefits of sponsoring out-of-state trips for policymakers

By Ellen Andrews | January 27, 2016

A new Health Affairs blog highlights the benefits of learning trips for state health policymakers working on systemic change. The…

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Advocates’ guide to underservice recommendations

By Ellen Andrews | August 4, 2015

SIM is seeking to radically transform our state’s $30 billion health system and has chosen a shared savings payment model…

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Advocates offer help with payment reform study for CT

By Ellen Andrews | July 31, 2015

Among the many important provisions in SB-811, is Section 17 directing the state Health Care Cabinet to conduct a study…

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Capacity Building