Smart Savings

JAMA highlights CT bill to limit extreme drug price increases

By Ellen Andrews | May 17, 2021

A recent JAMA article highlights bills to reduce drug price increases across states, including Connecticut’s bill. The bills call for…

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OP-ED | When Data Becomes An Excuse To Prevent Change

By Ellen Andrews | April 27, 2021

Data is important. The drumbeat for data-driven policymaking in health care isn’t wrong. Policy decisions that aren’t informed by independent,…

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CTNJ Opinion: Remember Public Health’s Value After COVID Is Gone

By Ellen Andrews | April 15, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has focused a bright light on the weakness of the U.S. public health system. Countries with strong…

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CTNJ Op-Ed – Drug Innovation Argument Cuts Both Ways

By Ellen Andrews | March 25, 2021

In his recent op-ed, John Burkhardt of Pfizer misses important points when he asserts that the governor’s proposed tax on…

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CT ranks 5th among states in Medicaid coverage, 2nd in quality

By Ellen Andrews | March 18, 2021

COVID has emphasized the importance of a strong, healthy Medicaid program for states. A new analysis by WalletHub ranks Connecticut…

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State Partnership Plan losing money but still more expensive than average CT plan options

By Ellen Andrews | February 23, 2021

Download the report Connecticut’s most recent public health insurance option, the Partnership Plan 2.0, offers healthcare coverage to municipal employees.…

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Book Club — Counting: How We Use Numbers to Decide What Matters

By Ellen Andrews | February 14, 2021

I’ve never dog-eared as many pages in a book as Counting: How We Use Numbers to Decide What Matters by…

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Governor’s budget includes drug cost control and exchange subsidies, but misses other health priorities

By Ellen Andrews | February 10, 2021

Released today, the Governor’s budget proposal for the next two fiscal years acknowledges the importance of addressing critical health priorities,…

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Connecticut Medicaid costs stable but rising physician and clinic spending threaten progress

By Ellen Andrews | January 20, 2021

Download the report Since switching from managed care organizations in 2012 to focus on care management, Connecticut Medicaid spending has…

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