Smart Savings

CT Medicaid spending down 4.2% from FY 14 to FY 15

By Ellen Andrews | October 8, 2015

Happily CT’s Medicaid program is bucking the state budget trend. State spending on CT’s Medicaid program fell 4.2% between state…

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ACOs not saving for Medicare, model could cost CT Medicaid almost $100m/year

By Ellen Andrews | September 17, 2015

CMS’s vast shared savings experiment for Medicare has disappointed again in its second year. The plan was to encourage providers…

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Advocates support SIM underservice, cherry picking protections

By Ellen Andrews | September 10, 2015

Connecticut’s SIM plan acknowledges that risks of inappropriate under-treatment and cherry-picking are higher in new shared savings payment models. Advocates…

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Advocates’ guide to underservice recommendations

By Ellen Andrews | August 7, 2015

Connecticut’s State Innovation Model (SIM) is seeking to radically transform our state’s $30 billion health system by aligning incentives to…

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Webinar online – Caring for high-need patients – Lessons for CT

By Ellen Andrews | June 24, 2015

Evidence is growing that we cannot fix our health care system without addressing the needs of the small number of…

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Best practices guide on integrating behavioral health into primary care

By Ellen Andrews | June 9, 2015

Up to 70% of physician visits involve a mental health issue and health care costs for people with mental health…

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Backgrounder on Hartford health needs for Malta House of Care

By Ellen Andrews | April 27, 2015

Last week CTHPP gave a presentation for the Malta House of Care on health care needs in Hartford and health…

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A Better Idea for SIM-Medicaid: Coordinate Care for High-Need, High-Cost Patients

By Ellen Andrews | April 3, 2015

Independent consumer advocates and others have raised grave concerns about Connecticut’s State Innovation Model (SIM) plans to radically change financial…

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Integrating behavioral health into primary care focus of next CEPAC meeting

By Ellen Andrews | March 24, 2015

The next CEPAC meeting will review the latest research on best practices to effectively integrate behavioral health into primary care…

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