
CT hospitals losing ground on social responsibility

By Ellen Andrews | June 28, 2022

Eight Connecticut hospitals received A grades this year for social responsibility from the Lown Institute, down from twelve last year.…

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CT ranks 3rd in health system performance, but there’s lots of work to do

By Ellen Andrews | June 16, 2022

Connecticut’s health system performance is the third best in the nation, according to the latest Commonwealth Fund State Scorecard. COVID…

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CTNJ Op-Ed: Advice from an advocate for the next OHS Director

By Ellen Andrews | June 10, 2022

Op-Ed: Advice from an advocate for the next OHS Director This week the Lamont administration announced that Vicki Veltri will…

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Cost Cap finds drugs driving up healthcare spending, but we knew that, and their numbers are misleading

By Ellen Andrews | May 30, 2022

The latest analysis by Mathematica for the Office of Health Strategy’s plan to cap healthcare costs used a small slice…

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More doctors are moving to corporate and hospital employment, jacking up prices & new WI lawsuit

By Ellen Andrews | May 24, 2022

Movement of physicians from independent practice to hospital and corporate employment accelerated during COVID. By January 1st of this year,…

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How CT can save $162 million in healthcare waste

By Ellen Andrews | May 19, 2022

An analysis of Connecticut’s commercial insurance markets finds we spent $9.45 per person per month on wasteful low-value care in…

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Most CT physicians take Medicare patients, but less than US average; implications for payment reform

By Ellen Andrews | May 16, 2022

At 84%, the large majority of physicians in Connecticut take new Medicare patients according to a new analysis by the…

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CTNJ Op-Ed — Policymakers did little to lower healthcare costs this session

By Ellen Andrews | May 5, 2022

Healthcare costs featured prominently in CT News Junkie’s 2020 candidates’ survey. It’s very likely that candidates will hear the same…

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Book Club: Think Again

By Ellen Andrews | April 29, 2022

You have to read Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don’t Know by Adam Grant. We all think…

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