Healthcare breaches reach new high — affecting Members of Congress and over 70,000 in CT
Over 385 million US patient records were breached between 2010 and last year, including 70,340 Connecticut patient records. Those are…
Read MoreCT Medicaid costs stable but hospital spending needs monitoring
Download the report Sources below Connecticut Medicaid per member costs are stable and growing slower than other states. CT Medicaid…
Read MoreLegislators hear voices calling for consolidation protections to lower healthcare costs
Download our testimony Yesterday’s public hearing testimony was largely supportive of two bills to prohibit anti-competitive clauses in hospital system…
Read MoreInsurance committee to hear bills that mitigate consolidation and lower healthcare costs
Download our testimony One of the main drivers of Connecticut’s rising healthcare costs is consolidation in the healthcare market, making…
Read MoreOp-Ed: HUSKY coverage for immigrants is the right, and the smart, thing to do
Immigrants, in Connecticut and across the US, are the most likely population to be uninsured. These are our workers, neighbors,…
Read MoreData brokers are offering sensitive mental health info for cheap
As the need for mental health care grows and capacity tightens, patients are turning to telehealth and apps. Hispanics are…
Read MoreOp-Ed: Things to like in the Governor’s budget proposal
This is new for me and I may be alone, but I found a lot to like in the Governor’s…
Read MoreCT ranks high on dental health, but lots of room for improvement
It all depends on what you measure. Wallet Hub ranked Connecticut the fifth best state for dental health. Metrics include…
Read MoreCT has 13th highest cancer rate, but it’s going down
In 2019 Connecticut’s per person rate of new cancers was higher than all but twelve other states, according to a…
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