
Appropriations passes a budget

By Ellen Andrews | April 2, 2009

The budget approved by the Appropriations Committee restores many of Governor Rell’s proposed cuts to health care programs. The committee…

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HUSKY waiver hearing – good and bad news on PCCM

By Ellen Andrews | April 1, 2009

As expected, yesterday’s Medicaid waiver hearing before the Human Services and Appropriations Committees was contentious and long. DSS brought out…

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HUSKY waiver hearing tomorrow; DSS proposal kills PCCM

By Ellen Andrews | March 30, 2009

The Human Services and Appropriations Committees are holding a public hearing tomorrow, March 31st, at 1pm in the LOB Room…

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PCCM waiver hearing March 31st

By Ellen Andrews | March 25, 2009

Next Tuesday the Human Services and Appropriations Committees will hold a public hearing on DSS’ proposed waiver application to continue…

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Medicaid Managed Care Council meeting; Dumb idea redux

By Ellen Andrews | March 16, 2009

DSS may take advantage of a legislative error and try to implemented premium assistance for HUSKY, according to the department…

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Democrats outline three scenarios to save $2.8 billion

By Ellen Andrews | March 10, 2009

Emphasizing that they do not endorse the cuts, the Appropriations Committee described the types of cuts necessary to fill the…

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Deficit mitigation plan passes; Eliminates Medicaid payments for never events

By Ellen Andrews | February 26, 2009

Early this morning the General Assembly passed HB 6602, a bill to fill the billion dollar budget gap in the…

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Governor releases deficit mitigation proposed cuts for this year

By Ellen Andrews | February 20, 2009

Yesterday Governor Rell released a proposal to mitigate the state budget deficit for the current fiscal year that ends June…

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Sheri Aquilino speaks out

By Ellen Andrews | February 19, 2009

The following email arrived at our office yesterday from one of our Board members at the CT Health Policy Project.…

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