
Summer reading — Rough Sleepers

By Ellen Andrews | June 16, 2023

I thought I understood healthcare for the homeless, but I had a lot to learn. Rough Sleepers: Dr. Jim O’Connell’s…

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Report estimates public coverage not available for 56,000 CT noncitizen residents next year

By Ellen Andrews | May 9, 2023

A new report by the Urban Institute estimates that 67% of Connecticut’s uninsured noncitizen residents won’t be eligible for Medicaid,…

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Op-Ed: Artificial Intelligence can be the solution, when it isn’t the problem

By Ellen Andrews | April 14, 2023

Legislators want the state to evaluate the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in state agency decision making. As a…

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Analysis: Are Connecticut Hospitals Losing Money? It Depends

By Ellen Andrews | March 22, 2023

 Our state’s hospitals are hemorrhaging money according to the Connecticut Hospital Association. They report losses of $164 million last year.…

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New standards to include health equity lens in effectiveness, fair pricing analyses

By Ellen Andrews | March 15, 2023

There is a growing consensus that healthcare systems can, unintentionally, exacerbate health disparities for underserved communities. There is a special…

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CT Medicaid costs stable but hospital spending needs monitoring

By Ellen Andrews | March 4, 2023

Download the report Sources below Connecticut Medicaid per member costs are stable and growing slower than other states. CT Medicaid…

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Op-Ed: HUSKY coverage for immigrants is the right, and the smart, thing to do

By Ellen Andrews | February 17, 2023

Immigrants, in Connecticut and across the US, are the most likely population to be uninsured. These are our workers, neighbors,…

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Op-Ed: Things to like in the Governor’s budget proposal

By Ellen Andrews | February 9, 2023

This is new for me and I may be alone, but I found a lot to like in the Governor’s…

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Analysis: Life Saving Innovation at Alarming Prices

By Ellen Andrews | January 25, 2023

We do scientific innovation very well. New therapies — from anesthesia in 1850, antibiotics in 1928, organ transplants in 1960,…

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