
HUSKY B saves $4 million in switch from HMOs

By Ellen Andrews | December 14, 2012

As advocates predicted, it appears the shift from capitated managed care to self-insurance saved the HUSKY Part B program $4…

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December webquiz – CT spending on medical assistance programs

By Ellen Andrews | December 4, 2012

Test your knowledge of DSS spending on medical assistance programs, most notably Medicaid. Take the December CT Health Policy Project…

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Medicaid outreach recommendations

By Ellen Andrews | December 3, 2012

Small grants, engaging an army of trusted community messengers, ubiquitous marketing, and robust monitoring will be critical to enrolling the…

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Who is coming into LIA?

By Ellen Andrews | November 20, 2012

Today’s CT Mirror asks the question – who are the 37,000 new enrollees in the Low Income Adult Program? LIA…

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Medicaid Council update

By Ellen Andrews | October 14, 2012

Lots of good news at Friday’s MAPOC meeting. DSS has significantly improved their redetermination process in response to huge backlogs…

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Supreme Court upholds Affordable Care Act

By Ellen Andrews | June 28, 2012

Today the US Supreme Court affirmed almost all of the 2010 national health reform Affordable Care Act. This is a…

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Medicaid Council meeting update

By Ellen Andrews | June 10, 2012

Friday’s Medicaid Assistance Program Oversight Council meeting was very productive and mainly positive. The main area of discussion was DSS’…

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Comments on dual eligible proposal center on behavioral health co-lead

By Ellen Andrews | May 27, 2012

Comments at Friday’s Complex Care Committee meeting focused on the late addition of requiring a behavioral health co-lead to DSS’s…

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Medicare/Medicaid dual eligible reform plan update

By Ellen Andrews | May 14, 2012

On Friday, the Medicaid Council passed the recommendations of the Complex Care Subcommittee on DSS’s application for an integrated care…

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