
Public Option Forum – high expectations, big challenges

By Ellen Andrews | February 17, 2019

Legislators were warned that ideas that sound simple are rarely that easy at last week’s forum on building a public…

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CTNJ Public Policy Forum: Would a Public Option Help Connecticut?

By Ellen Andrews | February 14, 2019

The second CT News Junkie Public Policy Forum will be next Thursday, Feb. 21st at 10 am in Capitol Room…

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CT Medicaid’s managed fee-for-service model saved $300 million last year

By Ellen Andrews | February 13, 2019

Updated 2/19/2019 We got very good news on Medicaid spending, again, at last week’s MAPOC meeting. Per member costs were…

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More concerns about YNHH, community health center plans for New Haven primary care

By Ellen Andrews | January 28, 2019

Updated 11:30 am A letter from the City of New Haven’s Department of Services for Persons with Disabilities to the…

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Mixed results from great study on Medicaid behavioral health interventions

By Ellen Andrews | January 18, 2019

Yesterday’s MAPOC Complex Care Committee meeting focused on results of an adult high behavioral health need member initiative by Beacon,…

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Medicaid update: Quality improving but lots of work to do

By Ellen Andrews | January 14, 2019

Friday’s Medicaid Council meeting focused on quality performance in the program. The good news – ED visits and readmissions continue…

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Comments to DSS opposing increase in PCMH Plus funding for program that didn’t improve quality and increased state costs

By Ellen Andrews | January 9, 2019

Read the full comments Thank you for this opportunity to oppose this amendment to add an additional $600,000 to the…

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Weak answers to state’s second set of questions about YNHH primary care plan for New Haven

By Ellen Andrews | January 4, 2019

Yesterday, Yale-New Haven submitted answers to the state’s second set of questions about their controversial plan to shift care for…

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PCMH Plus Year 1 Performance and Savings Results: Increased state costs but little evidence of impact on quality

By Ellen Andrews | December 20, 2018

Read the full report This month, Connecticut Medicaid announced the first year performance of PCMH Plus[1], their controversial new shared…

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