
OP-ED | When Data Becomes An Excuse To Prevent Change

By Ellen Andrews | April 27, 2021

Data is important. The drumbeat for data-driven policymaking in health care isn’t wrong. Policy decisions that aren’t informed by independent,…

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Response: Lobbyist uses seniors and people with disabilities to protect drug company profits

By Ellen Andrews | April 20, 2021

Reading William Smith’s CT Mirror opinion, I was worried that my state had passed draconian laws that were harming the…

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CTNJ Opinion: Remember Public Health’s Value After COVID Is Gone

By Ellen Andrews | April 15, 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has focused a bright light on the weakness of the U.S. public health system. Countries with strong…

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Governor’s consultant report recommendations for Medicaid savings are baseless

By Ellen Andrews | April 14, 2021

It’s not in the headlines but the biggest source of potential savings, $200 million, proposed by the Governor’s controversial report…

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HUSKY COVID update – new enrollments lag, lots of money to providers, and telehealth is very popular

By Ellen Andrews | April 12, 2021

At Friday’s Medicaid Council meeting, we learned that while new HUSKY applications recovered last fall from its drop last spring,…

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Some long-term care costs high in CT, but not all

By Ellen Andrews | April 5, 2021

Download the report The latest survey of long term services and supports care costs found Connecticut prices for residential care…

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CT ranks 5th among states in Medicaid coverage, 2nd in quality

By Ellen Andrews | March 18, 2021

COVID has emphasized the importance of a strong, healthy Medicaid program for states. A new analysis by WalletHub ranks Connecticut…

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AccessHealthCT report offers roadmap to address disparities

By Ellen Andrews | March 3, 2021

Access Health CT has published a new, very well-researched description, both quantitative and qualitative, of Connecticut’s health disparities and COVID’s…

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CTNJ: Real Conversation Would Beget Lower Health Care Costs

By Ellen Andrews | February 23, 2021

I recently had an interesting conversation with a lobbyist for the insurance industry. We planned to talk about our narrow…

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